Engineers, Technicians and Contractors!

Would you like to offer or supply a magnificient product to your customers?
Your role as a reliable and trustwothy service provider in new construction or renovation projects also includes advising and supplying customers with the best products most suitable for their needs. It’s possible to exceed expectations, offering your customers desirable, unique solutions they weren’t even aware existed. Yet, first you should have 100% condidence in the product yourself and know it would never let you down or cause dissapointment! Offering excellent customer service and technical assistance Carisa will always be a great asset to have on your side.
Here are a few points where Carisa will aid with your customers.
• Carisa Design Radiators will supply a faster reacting heating cycle
• Carisa Design Radiators will compliment a home or commercial building with style
• Carisa Aluminium Radiators will require a smaller space on your wall due to thermal efficiency of aluminium.
• Carisa Aluminium Radiators are compatible with both conventional heat supplies (boilers) and modern heating alternatives such as solar, heat pumps and pellettes.

Carisa is a brand you can introduce to your customers with pride and confidence.
We will be very pleased to offer you the services and options below :
• Strong margins for professional partners.
• Product planning – Please contact us with your home or commercial plans or heat output requirements.
• Technical documentation (To support your projects and offers)
• Individual offers or unique customer preferences and budget